Hagar Malin Hellkvist Sellén (MHS) works with choreography in an expanded field. Her work explores choreography as both a bodily and linguistic practice, with processes that almost always begin from a need for dialogue—with herself, the participants, a contemporary dance context, the audience, and above all, the general public. She is interested in where, when, and how works emerge and works methodically to ensure that the public plays an active role in her choreographic art. MHS specializes in both embracing and challenging the individual in the same movement.
Through her work, MHS redefines the boundaries of what is possible and dismantles the barriers to the space of choreography. She opens her projects to anyone who wishes to participate and collaborates also with people who have no prior experience in stage performance. Her choreographies move among bodies regardless of gender, age, ability, or profession. Dialogue as movement and choreography runs as a common thread throughout MHS’s work.
Currently, she is particularly engaged with the infinite possibilities of choreography and how the performing arts can become more sustainable.
The operations are supported by the Swedish Arts Council in 2025.
Her works include »Moving towards the end« (2024), »The time it takes« (2023), »Better people« (new premier 2022), »Women and forest« (2021), »Log driver love« (2019), »Parveln« (2018), »The missionary« (2016), » I remember you as you were then« (2013), »”Ongoing”« (2012), »Within reasonable limits« (2010), »Pink promises« (2008) and »Better people«(2006). MHS publication »Malin Hellkvist Sellén WORKS 2003—2010 Texts by Hanna Wilde« was produced 2012-2013 in Swedish and English.

Photographer: Sofia Runarsdotter